Empowering you with self-care tools
to relieve your back issues
to relieve your back issues
Do you still struggle with back discomfort despite
engaging with many treatments and modalities of healing?
Tell me if this sounds like you:
engaging with many treatments and modalities of healing?
Tell me if this sounds like you:
- It was challenging to stick to and be compliant with the home exercises or therapy that was prescribed because it was hard to find the time
- You couldn't remember how exactly to do those exercises or weren't sure if you were executing them correctly so you didn't do them
- You found some treatments and therapies that were effective for a time and now the discomfort is recurring
- You know that being proactive is key in the recovery process and yet you don't know what else to do. You need more solutions and tools for care and want to leave no stone unturned
- You'd love more regular guidance and accountability
- You are engaging with a treatment plan and yet you feel you need more support
- You are at a place in your rehabilitation where you'd like to take a fresh start with a new lens on recovery
After a 6-week journey together you'll have:
- Experienced many new strategies and tools to use on a regular basis
- Created new habits to maintain your fully functional self
- A clear understanding of how and when to utilize what strategies
- Greater wisdom and self reliance on how to care for your back and whole body/mind
Imagine feeling the results...
- You have your life back, and can move and function without worry or fear that your back will "go out"
- You can confidently do your work, with full energy and joy
- You can fully enjoy your weekend active endeavors - hiking, biking, snowshoeing, skiing, and more.
- You are so tuned into your body you know the whispers of imbalance and know strategies to rebalance
- You are empowered with knowledge and have a sound toolkit to return to when needed
What's included in the 6-week Journey
- A 1-to-1 holistic back care program skillfully designed for you
- 6 weekly individual 1 hr live virtual sessions
- 4 individual ½ hr live virtual sessions the first week of the program
- Recordings of all 10 of these virtual sessions
- 2 "movement snack" videos per week - 12 videos
- 2 rest videos per week - 12 videos
- Lifetime access to all videos and recordings
- Personal calendar to track practices and progress
- Daily reminders and inspiration via email or text
- Journal to track your daily and weekly results
- Email and text support during weekly office hours
Hi, I'm Lynda Sing. I'm a yoga, movement, and mindfulness teacher and have been supporting people with their integrative self-care journeys for over 10 years. This Holistic Back Care Program was born out of my own journey to rehabilitate my chronic back issues after being in car accident a number of years ago. Inspired by my work with many skillful and caring doctors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, yoga teachers, trauma specialists, and more, I created a unique roadmap to support my recovery. It's a map where eastern practices and western practical tools are skillfully woven together to relieve your back pain and discomfort. I would love the opportunity to be by your side and empower you with to tools you need to feel whole and well again!
Yes! I want to be on this 6-week journey to be empowered with new tools to care for my ongoing or chronic back issues.
Client love notes
I’m so grateful for your loving way of teaching. Prior to meeting you I had a constant problem with my back. I feel very fortunate that you taught me better breathing exercises and movements for the back which give me immediate results. I stop I take a deep breath, do the moves you taught me, and somehow the back responds.Thank you and as always know that I truly love and respect you and your work. ~ Fannie